Meet TESOL Bangladesh’s 6 Special Interest Groups (SIGs)


EAP (English for Academic Purposes) practitioners at the tertiary level face diverse challenges including repetitive course content, a lack of appropriate materials, and insufficient training in innovative teaching techniques. ESP (English for Specific Purposes) addresses these challenges by analyzing needs, setting goals, designing syllabi, developing authentic materials and intensive assessments to improve English language proficiency according to academic and professional demands at the tertiary level. The objectives of the EAP/ESP SIG are to connect, develop expertise and support EAP/ESP practitioners, giving them the space to collaborate in research, practice and development.



English for Schools SIG


The EFS SIG aims to improve, drive change and set standards in teaching English as a foreign language in schools across the country. It disseminates best classroom practices, promotes teacher education, develops classroom pedagogies and training and highlights effective testing and evaluation methods. Members can expect professional development through webinars and workshops, collaborative projects with other teachers, access to useful teaching materials and resources, and the chance to participate in Teacher Research. Above all, it is a network through which teachers can find support and help to tackle the challenges they face.


Educational Technologies SIG


The EdTech SIG is dedicated to exploring the integration of technology in education and language teaching. It takes a comprehensive approach and examines the various facets of technology utilized by both teachers and students, including online tools, computer-mediated communication, and mobile technologies in terms of pedagogically-sound applications suitable for particular contexts. As we navigate through both global and local changes and the ever-evolving conditions of life, the Educational Technologies SIG remains a constant; examining the newest and most effective learning technologies in language teaching and learning.


Literature SIG:


The Literature SIG seeks to advance the teaching and research of literatures in English as well as the greater spectrum of the creative arts. Its activities are geared towards teachers, trainers, and researchers working with literature and various forms of creative expression such as film, drama, music, interactive media, and the visual arts, that can facilitate language learning. It also endeavours to promote research in innovative approaches to literary education by exploring literary inquiry and interpretive practices.


Research SIG:


TESOL Bangladesh’s Research SIG is a community of ELT practitioners, teacher-researchers, and research enthusiasts who aim to develop and promote ELT research knowledge and practice. Their mission includes mentoring teacher research, providing researcher development training, seeking grants, conducting research, creating international communities of practice, and publishing newsletters. This SIG caters to postgraduate researchers, early career, and experienced researchers in the field of ELT. Members can attend webinars, workshops, and training sessions for free or at a discounted rate, present at events, receive an annual newsletter, network and exchange knowledge and resources, and collaborate in research projects internationally.


English Language Testing and Assessment SIG



The Testing and Assessment SIG aims to raise awareness and interest in language testing and assessment among English language teaching practitioners in Bangladesh. It focuses on the different implications of both traditional and alternative assessment methods in English language teaching and provides a professional platform for Bangladeshi English teachers to share and reflect on their experiences and queries related to language testing and assessment. The SIG also creates opportunities for ELT practitioners to incorporate their learnings and reflections about testing and assessment in their teaching-learning endeavours in the classroom.